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Inborn Engineering Solutions Uncategorized Ducted Split Air conditioners

Ducted Split Air conditioners

A larger share of comfort air conditioning is done through ducted split air conditioner. Air distribution is a very important consideration for comfort air conditioning. Ducted air distribution system is used to handle this function. HVAC equipment manufacturers identified the potential of ducted split air conditioners to cater to a wider segment of comfort air conditioning, ever since their relative importance stood high among the other products.

Advantages of ducted split air conditioners:
Simple and robust construction. Metallic cabinet and chassis gives enhanced durability. Ducted split units can handle larger air quantity compared to room air conditioners. This ensures higher equipment level energy efficiency.

Despite it’s advantages, poor design and installation often make ducted split units operate at poor over all performance level. We say design and selection is of great importance and an expert engineer can easily perform this. 

We at Inborn Engineering Solutions does well engineered projects with ducted split air conditioners.

We supply Hitachi make ductable air conditioners.

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